| Dec 27, 2012 min read
Can we all just agree that the greatest tech advancement in Star Trek is a universal video format? Klingon ships, Romulan ships, Vulcan ships, Human ships … not once does a captain say “On screen,” followed by a plugin error message.
- (some guy on Facebook, anonymously quoted on reddit)

“Stand by, Captain — it says we need to update the Java plugin so we can run GoToMeeting.”

“Why didn’t they just use WebEx?”

“The Romulans must not have a license for it.”

“But it’s free. Isn’t it?”

“If they’d Skyped in, we could’ve just used the ship’s webcam.”

“Captain, the warbird doesn’t show up on my list of Facetime contacts.”

“I think we need to sync our address book.”

“We should’ve just used Tinychat.”

“Why don’t we start a Google Hangout?”

“Shut up, Wesley.”

(via flavorcountry)