| Apr 1, 2014 min read


And Badoosh! Mood Board 1.2 goes to the App Store for Approval!

Here’s a link to the product page official

And here’s a hit-list of the awesome stuff I just built for you that’s coming later this week:

  • (Fixed) There was a layer sorting issue that I wasn’t aware of until the most recent update. When you sorted layers using Send to Back / Bring to Front Mood Board was erroneously mixing up the layer order when exporting images.
  • (Improvement) Fixing layer sorting on export also exposed a few data model issues that makes sorting layers more consistent and faster overall now.
  • (Feature) Added the ability to pan over an infinite canvas. Mood Board doesn’t require that you set artificial document bounds and will allow you to place assets wherever you want at whatever size you want.
  • (Feature) After implementing the ability to pan the document it became immediately obvious that we needed to be able to Zoom as well. Mood Board now has full, animated zooming and panning!
  • (Feature) Several options have been added to make zooming fast and simple. Select an item and use Command+Option+Zero to focus the zoom on just that item (great for illustrators using source references.) Command+Zero to view at 100%.
  • (Feature) You can now group assets together into a selection set. This is really simple but very helpful in organizing boards with larger numbers of assets on them. Simply select a few assets and hit Command+G (Command+Shift+U to ungroup.)
  • (Feature) We use the default selection color specified in your system settings for Mood Board (I like Orange.) When you make a group, we use an inverse color to indicate that the item you have selected is a little different from normal. When you select a mixture of grouped and non-grouped items, we use the median color between the default selection color of your system and the inverse hue of that same specification.
  • (Feature) Implemented Masking! This is a huge feature to add this early in the application development cycle but now that I have added it I totally know it’s the right thing to do. Simply select an asset on your board and hit Edit (Command+E) to open the metadata panel. Masking options are currently limited to basic shapes but we’ll be adding arbitrary paths very soon. Current Mask types are:
    • Oval - A circular mask based on the aspect ratio of the image.
    • Square - An inset rectangular mask that can optionally have rounded corners.
    • Diamond - A parallelogram based on the aspect ratio of the asset.
  • (Feature) Flip Assets! You can now flip assets quickly on your board using the metadata editor for an individual node.
  • (Improvement) When selecting assets in the past it wasn’t always clear which items were included in the selection set. This is due to the fact that selection was indicated as a border around all selected assets. Now through the magic of CoreImage we apply some simple image kernels to any selected assets that make it absolutely clear what’s selected.

Check it out, tell your friends and buy a copy.