
Gathering the Boundary of …

Warning: This post is totally obscure. I've been doing a ton of work in Repast Simphony lately for a client project. The other day I was modeling some municipal regulatory body influence on my agents and realized that one of my data inputs doesn't come with a block group identifier (to tie it to …

Back up and running with Processing and Java
Back up and running with …

Over a year ago I had an… incident… with my Dropbox. All of my folders were still present, including nested directories, but in several of those locations all of the files had been surreptitiously deleted. Once I realized this I went straight to the web tool and attempted recovery of the files. …

#gdpipeline daily challenge 11-21-16 "elemental creature"
#gdpipeline daily …

The turnip golem. 

#gdpipeline daily challenge 11-7-16 "can opener"
#gdpipeline daily …

Challenge details: